AI Is Here to Stay: How Should You React?

Artificial intelligence isn’t going anywhere. While that is unsettling for some people to hear, others understand that AI is influencing — and will continue to affect — everyday life, and the future of the job market is one of the most anticipated challenges imposed by AI. What does the future of AI look like? According … Read more

Is This Your Situation: You’re Having Cash Flow Problems

Optimizing your operating cash flow really boils down to three basic rules: Get money you are due as fast as possible. Pay money you owe as late as possible. Earn as much as you can on your cash balances. Unless you are in a retail business, most receipts for sales or services performed take place … Read more

Attracting and maintaining Gen Z talent

Gen Z is a generation like no other, and in order to maintain your business, you’ll need to think about how you can accommodate the up-and-coming workforce. How does Gen Z feel about work? Surveys have found that 54% of Gen Zers are often disengaged at work. Meanwhile, 68% of Gen Z workers feel stressed … Read more