Human Resources / Don’t Just Check the Box on Annual Performance Reviews

Don’t Just Check the Box on Annual Performance Reviews

Performance management is a holistic approach that assists organizations in accomplishing their goals and objectives by continuously monitoring and enhancing the performance of individuals, teams, and the entire organization. While the annual performance review is a widely recognized tool for assessing performance, it should not be reduced to a mere annual formality. For an effective performance management process, providing employees with feedback and guidance should be an ongoing practice. Here are some strategies to establish a robust performance management system within your organization.

Set clear expectations
You can’t manage performance without first knowing what good performance looks like. Refer to job descriptions, goal setting activities, and cultural values when setting expectations. More importantly, do your employees know what good performance looks like? Make sure expectations are crystal-clear so every employee knows where they stand within the organization.

Communication with employees is vital to maintaining an effective ongoing performance management process. Be clear about what your company is seeking to achieve, how it will operate, how objectives will be set, what criteria will be used for evaluating performance, and whether compensation is involved.

Initiate conversations often
Schedule check-in conversations regularly. Performance management isn’t about filling out forms or holding a singular meeting. Check-ins provide an opportunity for employees to discuss performance, share feedback, and review expectations. These meetings are essential in order to have an open line of communication, so employees know what areas they are doing well in and what areas they need to improve in before they even participate in an annual review.

Besides scheduling check-ins, encouraging an open-door policy between leadership and employees is an organic and healthy culture practice to develop to increase regular feedback opportunities. Additionally, HR should also be available to employees requesting guidance or support. This approach allows all employees to receive direct feedback from an impartial source about what’s working and what needs improvement.

Give quality feedback
Most importantly, make sure you give quality feedback so employees know what areas they need to work on. Make sure you review goals periodically, and recognize big goals when they’re achieved. When employees are recognized for their efforts, they are more likely to continue that behavior in the future.

Build a continuous learning environment
Set your employees up for success. Online training and webinars, cross training, and peer coaching and mentoring, for example, are great ways to help employees grow. Don’t hesitate to invest in ongoing training and increase employee success.

How BlueStone Services Can Help
Our team of seasoned professionals can help you come up with a customized plan for a performance management strategy. Whether it’s establishing key performance indicators (KPIs), designing employee feedback mechanisms, or implementing performance reviews, we have the expertise to create a comprehensive strategy tailored to your organization’s specific needs. Contact us to get started today!



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